Finviz Insider Trading Analysis is an invaluable tool for investors looking to maximize their stock screening potential. It offers the ability to review insider trading reports and gain insight into the trading activity of a company’s directors, officers, and other key shareholders. With this powerful tool, investors can identify important market shifts, uncover regulatory irregularities, and gain additional insight into the fundamentals of a stock. Through its intuitive design, Finviz Insider Trading Analysis provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly review insider activity and watchlist your favorite stocks so that you can stay up to date on any changes. With this comprehensive analysis, investors can make informed decisions and maximize their returns on investments.
What Is Finviz Insider Trading Analysis?
Finviz Insider Trading Analysis is an in-depth stock research and analysis tool that provides active investors with an accurate and comprehensive analysis of insider trading data. The tool tracks the buying and selling activity of corporate insiders such as company directors, officers, and other key stakeholders. It provides detailed information on how corporate insiders trade their own shares and provides a powerful indication of future performance and market sentiment. By tracking insider buying and selling activity, investors can get a better idea as to whether they should invest in a particular stock or not.
Analysis Of Finviz Insider Trading

A Comprehensive View Of Insider Trading Information
Finviz Insider Trading analysis provides investors with an invaluable tool for quickly and easily researching the various aspects of insider trading activities. Designers have designed a powerful tool to provide investors with a comprehensive overview of the information available, enabling them to make informed decisions about potential investments. Using the available information, investors can quickly gauge the level of activity in the particular stock they are analyzing and review both its historical and recent activity of the insiders. This detailed view permits investors to adjust their investment decisions accordingly.
Ability To Identify Patterns
This valuable tool requires investors to input the ticker code of a particular stock. Once entered, the platform will show the detailed insider trading activities associated with that stock. Access to stock market data enables investors to identify potential patterns, form assumptions, and make decisions about the stock.
Ability To Track Cross-Securities Insider Trading
Finviz Insider Trading analysis allows investors to track trading of related stocks. In addition to the tracking of insider trades of an individual stock, investors have the ability to compare the activities of the individual company to its peers and competitors. The tool uses its wide range of data sources, such as brokers and exchanges, to provide a bird’s eye view of cross-industry insider activities, allowing investors to gain insight into the activities of a particular sector or industry.
Timely Updates
Investors are provided with the latest data available by the Finviz insider trading analysis platform. The platform refreshes and updates its information on an ongoing basis, allowing investors to keep abreast of changes in activity as soon as they occur. The timely updates ensure that investors remain informed of the insider trading activities in a particular stock, allowing them to adjust their strategies swiftly and accurately.
Ability To Utilize Multiple Strategies
Investors can use a variety of analytical strategies as Finviz has designed its insider trading analysis platform to accommodate their needs. In addition to the capability to peruse large amounts of data, investors can also make use of the technical analysis tools available. These tools allow investors to quickly identify trends and assess how they may affect their investments. Investors can make more informed decisions as these trends develop by tracking and analyzing insiders’ decisions and activities over a set period of time.
Insider Information Can Be Unreliable
One of the most notable disadvantages of Finviz Insider trading Analysis is that the data used for predicting future performance is based on information voluntarily provided by company insiders. As a result, the accuracy of the predictions can be unreliable, as insiders may not be forthcoming or accurate when providing information. Furthermore, investors should remember that any insider trading activity illustrates the opinion of a single person or group, and it does not necessarily reflect the opinions of other insiders or senior management.
Insiders Can Be Driven By Their Own Personal Interests
Insiders’ own personal interests can drive relying exclusively on Finviz Insider Trading Analysis. Consequently, there is a risk that insiders are using their position to make stock trades that will enrich them financially regardless of the risks associated with the stock.
Delay In Obtaining Information
Because Finviz Insider Trading Analysis is based on data provided by company insiders, it can be difficult to obtain the latest information in a timely manner. Insiders may not always provide details of their trades in a timely manner, meaning some investors may be waiting for information that is weeks or even months out of date.
Individual Investor Resources May Not Be Sufficient
Insiders are in the best position to know the inner workings of a company and its future direction and performance. However, for individual investors, it may not be practical to monitor all of the insiders at a company. Individual investors may have limited resources, which might mean they are not able to access the same information as larger professional investors.
High Transaction Fees
This information calls transaction fees linked with making transactions. Although professional traders can typically negotiate lower transaction fees, ordinary investors may still be subject to these fees and should take them into consideration. Finviz analysis can make small-scale and individual investors incur increasing expenses over time, making it a costly option.
Maximizing Stock Screening Potential With Finviz

Exploring Investment Strategies
Analyze Fundamental Data
Finviz provides users with comprehensive fundamental data. Investors can use this data to uncover insights that will help them make informed decisions when it comes to stock selection. Investors can find information about a company’s sales, operating income, net income, EPS, and more by accessing the “Earnings” tab and sorting the data using various criteria, such as “Quarterly Earnings Growth” which reveals the percentage change in a company’s net income from one quarter to the next. “Users can measure a company’s financial health through financial ratios, such as price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) and price-to-sales ratio (P/S), available in the “Financials” tab.
Analyze Technical Indicators
Finviz also provides access to technical indicators such as the relative strength index (RSI), Bollinger bands, MACD, and more. Technical indicators are used to analyze a security’s price movement and trends. For example, the RSI is a momentum indicator that measures the magnitude and the speed of the stock’s price movement and helps to determine the overbought and oversold conditions of the security. The MACD is another technical indicator that helps to identify buying and selling opportunities through the comparison of two exponential moving averages (EMAs). By using these and other technical indicators, investors can better understand the price movements of a stock and make more informed decisions.
Become Familiar With The Different Types Of Trades
Financial backers keen on augmenting their stock screening potential through Finviz insider exchanging investigation should get comfortable with the various kinds of exchanges accessible. By and large, these exchanges can be stalled into two general classes: immediate and subordinate exchanges.
Direct exchanges typically incorporate exchanges which the insider trades stock in the objective organization straightforwardly, normally with individual assets. On the other hand, derivative trades involve taking a position in a derivative, like an option or futures contract, that can be exercised to profit from changes in the stock’s value.
Contingent upon the conditions, it could be ideal for a financial backer to zero in solely on direct exchanges or rather utilize both immediate and subordinate exchanges. For example, in the event that one is hoping to exploit momentary changes in a given stock, zeroing in solely on subsidiary exchanges may be the most proper decision. On the other hand, while hoping to distinguish longer-term esteem plays, direct exchanges may be the better decision.
Filter Results To Prioritize Insiders
In order to prioritize insiders, a trader must focus on filtering results after deciding which types of trades should be the focus. This involves looking at the data on the Finviz Insider Trading page to see trades made by a particular insider or company, trades of a particular type or size, or trades made during specific time periods.
Investors can gain a deeper comprehension of the strategies that are driving the trades by focusing on a specific individual or business by filtering the data. Moreover, while sifting for explicit kinds or sizes of exchanges a financial backer can acquire knowledge into the degree of hazard that is being taken with those exchanges. If, for example, a financial backer notification that an insider has as of late made huge exchanges, which could recommend a more noteworthy degree of chance, it very well may be judicious to do additionally explore on the circumstance to guarantee that the gamble is reasonable.
Understand The Significance Of Different Trade Sizes
Last but not least, investors must comprehend the significance of various trade sizes. As a general rule, there are three distinct sizes of insider exchanges: medium, large, and small. A little exchange is characterized as one in which the worth of the stock exchanged is not exactly the earlier month’s exchanging normal. A medium exchange is one in which the worth of the stock exchanged is between the earlier month’s exchanging normal and the normal of the past 90 days. Additionally, a large trade is one in which the traded stock’s value exceeds the three-month average.
The size of an exchange can give a financial backer important understanding into the goals of the insider. For example, in the event that an insider makes a huge exchange, almost certainly, the insider has a serious level of trust coming down the line for the stock. An investor can then decide whether or not to invest in the stock given this information. Similarly, if the insider makes a small trade, it may suggest an exit strategy, indicating a decrease in confidence in the stock’s prospects.
Comparing The Performance Of Stocks

Pair Comparison
Finviz’s Pair Comparison tool enables investors to compare two stocks side-by-side and evaluate their performance relative to each other. For each stock, the tool provides investors with a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E), price-to-sales ratio (P/S) as well as other fundamental data. Additionally, it allows investors to compare how a stock is performing against various industry averages. This makes it easier for investors to evaluate whether or not a stock is a good investment.
Portfolio Analysis
Finviz’s Portfolio Analysis tool allows investors to compare the performance of their portfolios with the performance of various index benchmarks. This can be done by applying various filters such as capital weights, industry averages, and sector allocation. The portfolio analysis tool allows investors to identify performance gaps between their portfolios and index benchmarks and to make necessary adjustments to their portfolios for better returns. This helps investors better manage the risks and rewards associated with their investment strategies.
Finviz Insider Trading Analysis is a powerful tool that helps investors make smarter decisions when screening potential stocks. Investing in the stock market can be an intimidating experience, but with Finviz Insider Trading Analysis investors can easily find stocks with high potential for returns. This tool allows investors to conveniently research companies, evaluate insider trading activity, and increase their stock screening potential.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the benefits of using Finviz Insider Trading Analysis?
Finviz Insider Trade Analysis provides investors with a comprehensive overview of a company’s insider trading activity, as well as an objective analysis of potential risks and rewards associated with investing in the stock. This allows investors to make smart decisions when evaluating stock opportunities.
2. What kind of data is included in Finviz Insider Trading Analysis?
Finviz Insider Trading Analysis provides a comprehensive overview of a company’s insider trading activity, including the type of trade (buy/sell), the number of shares traded, the value of the trade, and the date the trade was completed.
3. Is there a cost associated with using Finviz Insider Trading Analysis?
No, Finviz Insider Trading Analysis is a free service provided by Finviz.
4. How often is the data in the Finviz Insider Trading Analysis updated?
The data in Finviz Insider Trading Analysis is updated on a daily basis.
5. How can I access Finviz Insider Trading Analysis?
Finviz Insider Trade Analysis is available on the Finviz website and can be accessed for free.