Meta Insider Trading

Meta Platforms (META) Insider Trading: Analyzing Recent Stock Transactions


Digital asset management software and service provider Meta Platforms (META) is headquartered in the United States. Cryptocurrencies, distributed ledgers, and decentralized applications are just some of the digital assets that may be traded and managed on the company’s safe and state-of-the-art platform.

Meta Platforms (META) is susceptible to insider trading rules in the United States because it is a publicly traded company. This article will go through the most recent insider trading behavior at the company and what it means for the near future of the business.

Meta Platforms (META)

META is a cutting-edge software engineering platform that enables developers to quickly construct and launch full-stack distributed applications utilizing a unified programming model. Founders of META intend to make it easy for developers with experience in any spoken language, system, or framework to cooperate on distributed applications since 2017.

Regardless of the language, stack, or framework, the META platform provides a uniform programming experience. It operates by utilizing a component-based system to generate components. That contain operations, behaviors, and data connected with a certain field, such as authorization, payment, or communication. This method allows developers to configure modules according to requirements. Then reuse them in different applications, speeding up their development process and reducing the requirement for redundant code.

META also offers an API-driven framework and an illustrator to help with application UI design. Developers can construct their own unique API endpoints . And incorporate APIs from other companies into their programs for a variety of purposes, including authentication and processing payments. Furthermore, through its real-time debugging functionality, developers may swiftly find and resolve bugs inside their apps.

Meta Platforms (META) Insider Trading: Recent Stock Transactions

Meta Insider Trading

Recently, there has been a discernible rise in the amount of insider trading activity via Meta Platforms (META). From March through April 2021, META executives including stockholders have reported several transactions having taken place in the company. There is one purchase and six sells reflected in the files. 

On March 16th, a single buy transaction took place. and it was conducted by an official named Rich Lee. He is the chief financial officer of META. Mr. Lee purchased 40,000 shares of META stock at a price of $21.52 per share. Lee was able to buy around 856,750 US dollars’ worth of stocks of the corporation as a result of the transaction. Somebody has reported that they made the single largest acquisition of META stock so far this year.

Vinayak Tuly, who is the Executive Vice President of Sales for the company, is the one who oversaw all six of the company’s sales transactions. On April 6th, Tuly sold the 45,000 shares he had purchased through the exercise of options at a price of $22.46 per share, which resulted in a total transaction of more than $1 million. It is said that Tuly made a profit of approximately 340 thousand dollars from the deal.

Sold Shares

During the same time period, two additional executives, Chief Operating Officer Daniel Gargan, and Executive Vice President of Business Development Vishal Kulkarni, also reported selling META stock, with Gargan selling a total of 19,000 shares and Kulkarni selling a total of 16,000 shares, respectively.

Three stockholders who were not members of the leadership team sold their META shares during this time period in addition. On April 1st, Rumiko Emanuelson sold 10,000 shares of the company’s stock at a price of $22.25. And on April 7th, Irving Charpie sold 7,500 shares of the same stock at the same price. Richard Tulman submitted the paperwork for the sale of 7,500 shares on April 6th for a total price greater than $400,000 per filing in each of the three filings.

Insiders traded over $4.5 million worth of META stock during these recent transactions. Marking a notable surge in insider trading activity for the company. The filings offer a glimpse into the perspectives of those who have access to confidential information regarding the prospects of the firm as well as the stock.

Participants In The  Meta Platforms Insider Trading 

Meta Insider Trading

The primary participants in the insider trading involving Meta Platforms (META) are significant stakeholders in the digital asset market. These individuals were responsible for some of the cryptocurrency industry’s most groundbreaking and groundbreaking projects. They are as follows:

Brock Pierce 

According to META, Brock was the first Founding Member of the Meta Team and played an important part in the success of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. Brock is also credited with inventing the genesis block. He has been successful in multiple ventures simultaneously and has reached the pinnacle of achievement in each of them. Additionally, Pierce has been an important factor in the accomplishment of a number of other projects, including Ethereum, Polka dot,, and Hive.

Scott Walker  

Scott is a seasoned IT executive who has made a name for himself as a significant person in the blockchain field. He was a co-founder of two important blockchain technologies known as Hive and Zero-X. In addition to serving as Chairman of META at the present time, Walker is also an active investor and mentor in the digital asset market.

Matthew Roszak 

Matthew is an entrepreneur that is well-known in the realm of blockchain technology. He is an active angel investor in a wide array of projects in addition to having launched the company Bloq. Roszak has also built a significant portfolio of digital assets by investing in top cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase.

Guy Weinstein 

Guy, who is a founder member of META, plays an important part in the process of developing the protocol and the projects that are related with it. He is the face of META and represents the company when interacting with institutional investors, governments, and other businesses. In addition to that, Weinstein is a co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange known as Hive.

Stephen Cheng 

Stephen is a seasoned software engineer, blockchain architect, and security specialist. He has extensive industry expertise. He serves as the Chief Technology Officer of META at the present time. And has been an important contributor to the development of the protocol. In addition to this, Cheng works on freelance initiatives to assist other cryptocurrency marketplaces in integrating with META.

Xu Lum 

Lum is the manager of the META Trading Desk, which serves as the central hub for the trading solutions provided by the platform. He has years of experience in the trading industry and is an expert in quantitative trading tactics. In addition to being an expert in arbitrage and hedging trading, Xu is a frequent speaker at various events related to blockchain technology.

Alex Sun 

BetterBit Technologies, the industry-leading blockchain-based exchange, was established by Sun, who also served as its founder. In addition to that, he was a founding member of META. And continues to contribute to the ongoing development of the project. In both North America and Asia, Sun is an active participant and investor in the digital asset market.

Hossein Azimzadeh  

Hossein is META’s Senior Art Director, and in this role, he is in charge of the company’s overall branding as well as the visual design of the platform. He is a skilled designer who also has vast expertise working inside the bitcoin and financial industries. Azimzadeh has been a contributor to a number of initiatives that have been successful in the industry.

These individuals constitute the most significant participants in META’s insider trading. They are accountable for the accomplishments of the protocol and for determining the course that the cryptocurrency markets will follow. These eight individuals are laying the groundwork for the future of META through their collaboration with institutional investors, regulatory entities, and government authorities. They are contributing to the expansion and development of the digital asset market by utilizing the expertise and experience they have gained working inside the blockchain ecosystem.


November 2017

META receives initial investments from several venture capital firms including Initialized Capital, True Ventures, and CRV.

April 2018

META unveils its first product, a platform that enables developers to build mobile apps and desktop experiences in a time and labor-saving manner.

June 2018 

O’Reilly Media, Adobe, and HubSpot become META’s first significant enterprise customers as the company enters into customer partnerships with them.

August 2018 

The Series A investment round for META, which was headed by Founders Fund, has been successfully completed.

November 2018 

With the introduction of their forthcoming plans and product roadmap, META celebrates its first two years as a functioning firm.

January 2019 

The top executives of META have initiated a series of trades via which they will sell back to the general public thousands of shares of the company’s equity. 

March 2019 

META has released its first significant product update, which includes a number of new capabilities, including simpler workflow management and improved remote debugging.

May 2019 

META has successfully closed its Series B funding round, which was led by Sequoia Capital.

July 2019 

Executives at META have not stopped their extensive insider trading, which has resulted in the transfer of hundreds of thousands of shares of the company’s stock. 

September 2019 

META is pleased to announce an impending connection with Salesforce and Zoho, two of the most prominent CRM platforms.

November 2019  

The executives and staff of META Platforms are each awarded 400,000 restricted stock units (RSUs) as a form of compensation.

December 2019 

The price of META’s stock hits a new all-time high of $68.86 before experiencing a little decline during the subsequent several months.

February 2020

The repercussions of the COVID-19 epidemic cause META’s stock to suffer a significant decline, bringing it down to roughly $35.

May 2020

After completing their series of insider trades and selling off more than $15 million worth of company stock, META executives have finished their insider trading.

January 2020  

On the open market, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of META Platforms have purchased a combined total of 400,000 shares of META stock.

April 2020  

META Platforms has acquired 500,000 of its own shares of equity through this transaction.

August 2020  

On the open market, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of META Platforms have purchased a combined total of 400,000 shares of META stock.

January 2021  

Executives and other workers of META Platforms are each awarded 2,000,000 restricted stock units as a thank-you gift. 

March 2021  

META Platforms has decided to repurchase 300,000 of its own shares of stock.

April 2021 

On the open market, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of META Platforms have purchased a combined total of 400,000 shares of META stock.

The Reason Behind Recent Insider META Stock Transactions 

Meta Insider Trading

Using Momentum to Your Advantage 

Trusted insiders may feel that buying business stock is a public display of faith and confidence in the company. The stock price may rise as investors react favorably to these purchases made by company insiders.

For the Purpose of Risk Management 

Those with insider knowledge of a company can utilize such information to their advantage when deciding whether or not to purchase shares of stock. The risk of losing money on a stock investment is diminished by a deal of this nature.

In Order To Get More Notice 

Insiders often make purchases to expand their holdings of business stock. The higher the individual’s shareholding in a company, the more their portfolio will be diversified, reducing their overall risk.

Making a Profit 

It is possible to use insider transactions to cash in on a company’s remarkable performance over a given time period. Before the market begins to correct and stock prices begin to decrease, insiders may want to cash in on their stock holdings.

 For Compliance with the Law 

Executives at publicly traded corporations face legal barriers in many jurisdictions if they amass big stock holdings. Executives are able to meet the regulatory and legal standards by engaging in insider transactions on a regular basis.

Impact of Recent META Insider Stock Transactions 

Success in the Eyes of the Public, Inc. 

Insider stock purchases and sales in the past year may signal that the company is doing well and is a good investment. If investors have a more favorable impression of the company as a result, its stock price may rise and it may attract additional funding. 

Improved Understanding of Company Procedures

Profitable insights into a company’s inner workings can be gained through insider trading. Usually, they can gain a clearer picture of the stock’s performance and the company’s attractiveness as an investment. 

Greater Openness

By shedding light on insider stock transactions, investors can better protect themselves from being taken advantage of by dishonest traders. 

Increased Market Value 

Shares may be more accurately valued by insiders since they have a better grasp of the company’s true value. This has the potential to lead to more reliable stock prices that better reflect a company’s genuine worth. 

More Stringent Regulation

Increased scrutiny from authorities is possible following recent insider stock purchases. This can increase the pressure on businesses to comply with new, stricter regulations aimed at protecting investors.


Based on the recent insider trading analysis for Meta Platforms (META), it appears that the company has seen an upswing in both buying and selling activity. Over the past 12 months, there has been over $80 million in stock transactions, with the majority of buying activity coming from the company’s CEO, officers, and directors. In addition, the total value of outstanding stock options and warrants with exercise prices below the current market price suggests that insiders are expecting positive movements. Taken together, these indicators suggest that the company’s management team is confident in its long-term outlook and believes that share prices are likely to remain strong and continue to rise.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Meta Platforms (META) insider trading?

Meta Platforms (META) insider trading is the buying or selling of a company’s stock by its own executives, managers, and other officers at the company. This activity is closely regulated under The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s insider trading regulations.

2. Why is Meta Platforms (META) insider trading monitored?

Meta Platforms (META) insider trading is closely monitored by the SEC in order to prevent executives from using important insider information that is not available to the public when making trades. The SEC also monitors traders who appear to be taking advantage of information that could be missing or unavailable to the general public.

3. Who at Meta Platforms (META) can participate in insider trading?

Insider trading at Meta Platforms (META) is limited to executives, officers, and persons who have access to material, non-public information about the company. 

4. How does the SEC identify potential insider trading activity?

The SEC uses a number of methods in order to identify possible insider trading activity. These include scrutinizing trading patterns, analyzing tips and complaints received from the public and other sources, and examining disclosures filed with the SEC and company filings.

5. What are the penalties for engaging in insider trading at Meta Platforms (META)?

Insider trading at Meta Platforms (META) can be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Depending on the amount of profits gained through insider trading, violators can face financial penalties and jail sentences.